Outer Dowsing offshore wind farm

With extensive experience across all rounds of the UK offshore wind industry, DORIS delivered Owner’s Engineering services to the pre-FEED stage of this project. Project outline The 1500 MW project is being developed by Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Limited, a joint venture between TotalEnergies and Corio Generation, a portfolio company of Macquarie’s Green Investment Group. … Read more

Breagh Alpha

DORIS delivered Operations and Maintenance Management services to this southern North Sea asset. Project outline The Breagh Field is in Block 42/13a, approximately 110 Km east of Teesside in 62metres water depth. The Breagh Alpha platform was installed in October 2011, gas production commenced in October 2013. The Breagh A is a 12 slot Minimum … Read more

Robin Rigg offshore wind farm

DORIS was awarded a Works Management Contract for this UK Round 1 offshore wind farm. Project outline The 174 MW Robin Rig offshore wind farm is located in the Irish Sea. The development of the Robin Rigg offshore wind farm constituted a number of major contracts let by E.ON. DORIS was awarded the ‘Works Management Contract’ to … Read more