You can find herebelow an extract of the interview.
Asked why DORIS has been able to build itself up over more than 50 years, Christophe Sarri, Chief Commercial Officer, points to three key factors – people, synergy and a ‘Fit For Purpose’ methodology and tools:
PEOPLE: “The quality of the engineering and the competency of its engineers stand DORIS apart,” the CCO says. “Most of our engineers have worked at DORIS for at least 15 years and they are fully committed to our success, and so fully committed to client success. This allows a strong reactivity and a collaborative spirit. Our teams have accumulated an incomparable level of experience.”
SYNERGY: DORIS supports clients across development, execution and operation of projects, offering: design expertise; installation engineering; technical assistance; operation, inspection and maintenance; asset management and project management. Sarri adds: “These capabilities reinforce each other to provide our clients strong synergies and more global solutions, a team that can design and manage execution, and a design which accounts for operations, maintenance and inspection requirements.”
FIT FOR PURPOSE METHODOLOGY: “This consists of reducing the redundant allowances we very often see in client specifications, and to review with our clients their needs,” explains Sarri. “So, we don’t ask ourselves ‘what can we reduce’ – we start with a white sheet of paper and ask ourselves together with the client, ‘what is really required’. CAPEX and OPEX are therefore significantly reduced.”
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